(Nutritious and Delicious)
Everything on this list is healthy for you, let’s start there. That aside, they are all delicious AF and typical things you can find at any grocery store at reasonable prices. Each item is perfectly suited for summer since they are in season and most don’t require any cooking at all. Best of all, they are portable so you can grab and go and snack while looking like a snack.
Berries: Berries of pretty much any kind should be part of every breakfast given how low they are in calories, high in fiber, and contain disease-fighting antioxidants. Let’s not forget how tasty they are too.
Oatmeal: Like berries, oats are rich in antioxidants but also include other minerals such as Zinc, Iron, and most importantly Vitamin B. Having a bowl of steel-cut oats for breakfast gives the body the juice to power through the morning and because it's so filling you’ll feel full longer.
Eggs: Can you really call it a breakfast without eggs? Aside from being one of the best protein sources there is, eggs also raise good cholesterol, are linked to reducing heart disease (never too early to check on that shit), and are extremely low in fat. What else can you ask for to help start your day?
Bananas: Did you know bananas help get rid of a hangover? That’s because they are filled with potassium and magnesium, two things you lose when drinking. Potassium also helps reduce feelings of tiredness so if you need a pick me up mid-morning grab one of these.
Nuts/Nut Butter: Growing up all we had was peanut butter, now, we have everything from cashew butter to almond butter and beyond. The best part is they are all fucking delicious. Spread some on your toast each morning for a boost of energy and hunger satisfaction.
Coffee/Tea: This one is a no-brainer. Coffee, and most teas, contain caffeine which is known to boost energy but did you know that it can also help you burn fat and improve physical performance? I drink a cup of coffee before the gym every day as my “pre-workout” and feel great throughout.
Are you even reading this shit?
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